Dupont's Powder Mill Explodes
Dupont's Powder Mill Explodes
Mr. Dupont's powder mill on the Brandywine, exploded at about past 9 o'clock, on Thursday last. The shock was felt at Wilmington as though an earthquake were about to engulph the town. A letter received by the editor of the REGISTER was partly written in the middle of the street, the people having left their houses, in awful expectation of the explosion of the magazine; which, however, was safe at 12 o'clock, and the damage then considered as over. We have yet to learn the dreadful particulars—the hasty letter says—"Dupont's house gone -- many killed — his wife and daughter safe — Duplanty s cotton mill injured — McLane's mill safe, except. the glass broken."
Date Published:
Friday, March 20, 1818
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Article Locations:
298 Buck Road East
, DE
United States
39° 47' 16.5732" N, 75° 34' 51.9564" W
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Delaware US